Tuesday, August 3, 2010

India Experiences - Stevie & Sinead

Probably the weirdest and most different country, nothing at home can compare to the sights, sounds and smells, an incredible country none the less. They don't lie on the adds by calling it incredible India. Being white in India is strange and intimidating with people pulling over in their cars just to stare. There is no such thing as a multicultural society on this side of the world. But you grow accustomed to this way of life, you have respect and understanding for the people here. They are all so poor but yet so happy and accepting. In different parts of the country it feels like different decades from the ultramodern technology in the rich parts of Kolkata to the mud shacks from the 1700s in Mohammad Bazaar.

We are so lucky to see these parts of India that regular tourists would never get to see. We have seen the real India, the real people living in the heart of India, where a white person may not have been for decades. Seeing the way people live over here has been a real eye opener to how different people live. Culture and tradition play a big part in Indian life while people back home seem to barely spare a moment to thing about Irish culture and tradition.

The meetings we took part in at home before we travelled to make us aware of what to expect really didn't prepare us for it, the way of life seems shocking to the civilized people of the western world while it as seen as the 'norm' over here.

The sights in India are amazing, very difficult to explain in words, from the breath taking scenery to the slums and poverty in Kolkata.

We all know this experience will stay with us forever!!!


  1. Hi everyone the experience seems to get better and better its something you will all remember forever well done to you all we are so proud of you Love and miss you gav see you soon Mam Dad Niamh and Aoife

  2. So I guess we wont see Mohammad bazaar in next years Falcon travel brochure...Seriously were all very proud of you back here, you can tell John we will give up calling him lazy It sounds like the heavy work is coming to an end!Im sure when you get to Darjeeling it will blow the cement dust off.Keep the Irish flag flying
    John Michelle & Zoe

  3. Well done everyone you are doing us all proud. I can't wait to see all the photos and hear all the stories. Give a big thank you to all the leaders for organising such a great trip for you all. Can't wait to see you soon.
    Lots of love Sheila, Alan & Emma Byrne.

  4. Well done to everyone, the blogs are fantastic and you should be all very proud of yourselves. Can't wait to see you all back safe and sound and to hear the stories.

    Sinead hope you are feeling okay and are coping well in the heat. Nynda misses you but is being well looked after by Ciara. Updates from Big Bro from Nicola and Ciara: Caoimhe walked, Ben got voted out, the Oz guy and Josie are still flirting and the other blonde girl broke her ankle and had to leave. New house mates in the house.

    Take care, miss you.
